di Jem Cohen, 2010, 12'

Sabato 16 settembre 2017, ore 14.30, Trieste, Teatro Miela

Crossing Paths è un ritratto di Luce Vigo, critica cinematografica e unica figlia del celebre regista Jean Vigo. Commissionato dal festival spagnolo del documentario Punto de Vista, questo film unisce i ricordi di vita straordinaria di Luce, le sue riflessioni sul padre e le immagini del nord della Spagna. Il film è una celebrazione dell'incontro fra Luce e Cohen, uno dei pochi registi attuali ad avere uno stile simile a quello di Jean Vigo.


Jem Cohen - filmografia

A Road in Florida (1983)

Witness (1986)

This Is a History of New York (The Golden Age of Reason) (1987)

Selected City Films (1989)

Talk About the Passion (1989) collaboration with R.E.M.

You're the One Lee (1989) collaboration with Miracle Legion

Glue Man (1989) collaboration with Fugazi

Light Years (1989)

Love Teller (1989) collaboration with Ben Katchor

Never Change (1988) text by Blake Nelson

4:44 (from her house) (1989)

What does Away Mean? PSA (1989)

Marks Town (1991)

Drink Deep (1991)

Black Hole Radio (1992)

Nightswimming (1993)

Drift (1993)

Buried in Light (1993)

Sun Project (1994)

Coney Island End of God the Way It Must Be (1996)

Lost Book Found (1996)

Lucky Three (1997)

Amber City (1999)

Instrument (1999)

Blood Orange Sky (1999)

Waterfront Diaries (New York) (2000)

Nice Evening, Transmission Down (2001)

Little Flags (2000)

Benjamin Smoke (2000)

George Thief (2002)

The Foxx and Little Vic (2002)

Cat Power: Live from Fur City (2002)

Chain X Three (2002)

Chain (2004)

NYC Weights and Measures (2005)

Blessed Are the Dreams of Men (2006)

Building a Broken Mouse Trap (2006)

Free (2007)

Spirit (2007)

Empires of Tin (2007)

Long for the City (2008)

Half the Battle (2008)

The Passage Clock (For Walter Benjamin) (2008)

Anne Truitt, Working (2009)

Night Scene New York (2009)

Le Bled (Buildings in a Field) (2009)

One Bright Day (2009)

Crossing Paths With Luce Vigo (2010)

Gravity Hill NEWSREELS (2011/12)

Museum Hours (2012)

We Have an Anchor (2015)

Counting (2015)

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