Bolt Ben

Nato nel 1952 in Inghilterra, Ben Bolt vive tra la Gran Bretagna e gli Stati Uniti. Ha realizzato numerosi film drammatici, d’azione e d’avventura, soprattutto per la televisione, tra cui Robin Hood and King Arthur’s Ghost (1983), Never Come Back (1993), The Scarlet and the Black (1993), The Turn of the Screw (1999). Il suo ultimo film di finzione è Beauty (2004).

Born in 1952 in England, Ben Bolt lives between United Kingdom and USA. He’s the director of many action, drama and adventure films, most of them for TV, included Robin Hood and King Arthur’s Ghost (1983), Never Come Back (1993), Scarlet and Black (1993), The Turn of the Screw (1999). His last feature film is Beauty (2004).

Film in programma / Scheduled movies

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